Zambia - Chingola : BEI - Servicii de proiectare detaliată și de supraveghere a construcției pentru rețele de alimentare cu apă și de canalizare
Data licitatiei 09.03.2017
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 2197977
Data publicarii :
Descriere scurta:
Zambia - Chingola : BEI - Servicii de proiectare detaliată și de supraveghere a construcției pentru rețele de alimentare cu apă și de canalizare
Coduri CPV:
71520000-9 - Servicii de supraveghere a lucrărilor
Textul licitației
and Sewerage Networks in the towns of Chingola, Chililabombwe and Mufulira within Zambia’s Copperbelt Province. The services will be executed in two phases:Phase 1 (indicative scope): update existing outline designs; carry out detailed designs for the agreed technical options and obtain necessary permits; provide detailed cost estimates; prepare the technical content of the Solicitation/Bidding Document for the selection of a works Contractor(s) for the Rehabilitation and Expansion of the Water and Sewer Networks; and support the evaluation of the technical aspects of bids. Phase 2: carry out construction supervision.The estimated budget for the required services is € 3 million.2.ELIGIBILITY AND SHORT-LISTING CRITERIA:MWSC invites prospective Consulting Firms with a proven track record in detailed design and construction supervision of projects including raw water pipeline, trunk main, raw/potable water storage, potable water distribution, sewerage network and associated pumping systems to indicate their interest in providing the Services. The eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection shall follow