Ungaria - Budapest: FortiGate rendszer KBF/00890/2024
Data licitatiei 07.03.2025


Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 9233501
Data publicarii :
UN |
Descriere scurta:
Ungaria - Budapest: FortiGate rendszer KBF/00890/2024
Coduri CPV:
72212730-5 - Servicii de dezvoltare de software de securitate
Textul licitației
¡m/megnevezés/mennyiség) FG-VM08V FortiGate-VM virtual appliance designed for all supported platforms – 8 x vCPU cores and unlimited RAM. No VDOM by default. – Éles környezet – 3 db FC-10-FG8VM-812-02-36 Enterprise Protection (IPS, AI-based Inline Malware Prevention, Inline CASB Database, DLP, App Control, Adv Malware Protection, URL/DNS/Video Filtering, Anti-spam, Attack Surface Security, Converter Svc, FortiCare Premium) 3 év – Éles környezet – 3 db. FG-VM01V FortiGate-VM virtual appliance designed for all supported platforms - 1 x vCPU core and unlimited RAM. No VDOM by default. – Teszt környezet – 1 db. FC-10-FG1VM-812-02-36 Enterprise Protection (IPS, AI-based Inline Malware Prevention, Inline CASB Database, DLP, App Control, Adv Malware Protection, URL/DNS/Video Filtering, Anti-spam, Attack Surface Security, Converter Svc, FortiCare Premium) 3 év – Teszt kÃ