Data licitatiei 02.01.2019


Ucraina - Ternopil : BERD - Procedură de selecție competitivă deschisă cu etapă unică - Cerere de propuneri
Data licitatiei 02.01.2019
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 3441131 Data publicarii : 08.11.2018 Tara/Judet: UC
Descriere scurta:

Ucraina - Ternopil : BERD - Procedură de selecție competitivă deschisă cu etapă unică - Cerere de propuneri

Coduri CPV:

42000000-6 - Echipamente industriale
42160000-8 - Instalaţii de boilere
42961200-2 - Sisteme Scada sau sisteme echivalente
45259300-0 - Reparare şi întreţinere a centralelor termice

Textul licitației

tPhone: +380 352 252539The EBRD Contact Person:Ms Georgia Vasiliadis, Principal TC SpecialistEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentOne Exchange SquareLondon, EC2A 2JNUnited Kingdom+44 20 7338 7750vasiliag@ebrd.comProject Description:The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “EBRD” or the “Bank”) has provided loan financing of 7 000 000 EUR to Communal Enterprise of Heat Networks “Ternopilmiskteplokomunenergo” (the “Client”, the “Company”) (the “Project”). Inter alia, the loan agreement with the Company, stipulates amendment of the priority investment programme (the “PIP”) and extension of the commitment and project implementation periods.Assignment Description:The Client now intends to select and contract a consultant (the “Consultant”) to provide project implementation support (the “Assignment”), on the basis of the Request for Proposal (RFP) in attachment.The selected Consultant is expected to facilitate the timely and effective implementation of the Project by:— providing project management support to the Company and to the PIU to co-ordinate, administer, manage, monitor and evaluate all the aspects of the Project with the main focus on financial and contract

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autentificare CREARE CONT Cere Consultanta