Ucraina - Lviv : BERD - Furnizarea de troleibuze de 12 m cu podea joasă inclusiv un set de piese de schimb și consumabile, un set de echipamente și instrumente pentru întreținere, reparații și servicii conexe
Data licitatiei 20.11.2018
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 3433484
Data publicarii :
UC |
Descriere scurta:
Ucraina - Lviv : BERD - Furnizarea de troleibuze de 12 m cu podea joasă inclusiv un set de piese de schimb și consumabile, un set de echipamente și instrumente pentru întreținere, reparații și servicii conexe
Coduri CPV:
34622300-6 - Troleibuze
50111000-6 - Servicii de gestionare, de reparare şi de întreţinere a parcurilor de vehicule
Textul licitației
— The manufacturer or supplier of trolleybuses shall have or obtain within 120 (one hundred and twenty) days after the award of the contract, but not later than 30 (thirty) days before the first delivery, vehicle type approval of Ukraine, certificate of approval of the vehicle for the passenger transportation and other necessary certifications and approvals for trolleybuses and equipment supplied under the current legislation of Ukraine.[...](a) Leading partner of the JVCA shall meet the requirements, at least 60 (sixty) percent (%) of all above mentioned qualifying criteria for average annual turnover, experience and financial resources;(b) Each other partner of the JVCA shall meet the requirements, at least 25 (twenty-five) percent (%) of all above mentioned qualifying criteria for average annual turnover, experience and financial resources;[...]Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below on or before 5th of November at 10:00, Kyiv time, at which time they will be opened in the presence of those tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend.[...]A se citi:[...]Closing date: 21 November at 10:00 am Kyiv (local time)[...]— Upon delivery of the of the trolleybuses the manufacturer or supplier of the trolleybuses shall provide