Ucraina - Kyiv : BEI - Învățământul superior din Ucraina: Măsuri de eficiență energetică
Data licitatiei 01.01.2020
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 4353688
Data publicarii :
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Descriere scurta:
Ucraina - Kyiv : BEI - Învățământul superior din Ucraina: Măsuri de eficiență energetică
Coduri CPV:
71314300-5 - Servicii de consultanţă în eficienţă energetică
Textul licitației
um estimated budget: 5 600 000 EURThe European Investment Bank (‘EIB’) has initiated a lending operation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine co-financed by the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) and Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership Fund (‘the E5P Fund’) that aims at financing a long-term investment programme in the field of modernization and energy efficiency refurbishment of selected Universities in Ukraine. The total investment volume of the programme – Ukraine Higher Education Project (hereinafter ‘the Project’) has been estimated at 160 000 000 EUR. The energy efficiency modernisation measures of the selected university buildings and heating networks and corresponding investment for a University is a sub-project.This procurement concerns procurement of design and supervision services (the ‘Services’) for all 6 universities participating in Phase I of the Project. In total 124 building are included in Phase I of the Project.The construction works under the Project are to be implemented with application of FIDIC-MDB Harmonised construction contract conditions.The detailed instructions to applicants and application forms for the assignment can be received upon submission of a written request to the Promoter.The Contrac