Ucraina - Kharvik : BERD - Proiect privind extinderea metroului din Kharkiv
Data licitatiei 15.02.2018
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 2901660
Data publicarii :
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Descriere scurta:
Ucraina - Kharvik : BERD - Proiect privind extinderea metroului din Kharkiv
Coduri CPV:
34620000-9 - Material rulant
45213320-2 - Lucrări de construcţii de clădiri pentru transportul feroviar
45234122-7 - Lucrări pentru metrou
45234124-1 - Transport feroviar subteran de pasageri
45234125-8 - Staţie de metrou
45234129-6 - Lucrări de construcţii de şine de căi ferate urbane
71310000-4 - Servicii de consultanţă în domeniul ingineriei şi al construcţiilor
71322000-1 - Servicii de proiectare tehnică pentru construcţia de lucrări publice
Textul licitației
Extension of the existing metro line by 3,5 km and construction of 2 metro stations,— Construction of new metro wagon depot and connecting rail,— Acquisition of new rolling stock,— FIDIC Engineer and procurement and implementation support consultant.Tendering for the above contracts is expected to begin in the Q4 of 2017.Contracts to be financed with the proceeds of loans from the EBRD and EIB will be subject to the EBRD Procurement Policies and Rules and will be open to firms from any country. The proceeds of the EBRD and EIB loans will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, of for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations or under a law of official regulation of the Purchaser\'s country.Interested suppliers, contractors and consultants should contact:Contact person: Mr. Igor Pashnev, Deputy General Director, Secretary of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU)Communal Enterprise \"Kharkivsky Metropoliten\"Address: 29, Rizdviana Str.Kharkiv, 61052, UKRAINE, Tel: +380 57 731 59 83, Fax: +380 57 731 21 41, E-mail: