Data licitatiei 15.03.2018


Ucraina - Kharkiv : BERD - Proiect privind extinderea metroului din Kharkiv
Data licitatiei 15.03.2018
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 2902041 Data publicarii : 14.02.2018 Tara/Judet: UC
Descriere scurta:

Ucraina - Kharkiv : BERD - Proiect privind extinderea metroului din Kharkiv

Coduri CPV:

34620000-9 - Material rulant
45213320-2 - Lucrări de construcţii de clădiri pentru transportul feroviar
45234122-7 - Lucrări pentru metrou
45234124-1 - Transport feroviar subteran de pasageri
45234125-8 - Staţie de metrou
45234129-6 - Lucrări de construcţii de şine de căi ferate urbane
71310000-4 - Servicii de consultanţă în domeniul ingineriei şi al construcţiilor
71322000-1 - Servicii de proiectare tehnică pentru construcţia de lucrări publice

Textul licitației

Extension Project (the \"Project\"). The project will be carried out by communal enterprise \"Kharkivsky Metropoliten\" (Kharkiv Metro Company) (the \"Client\") with financial assistance from Ukraine and support from Kharkiv City Council (the \"City\").The objective of the Project is to expand the current metro (underground /subway) system and improve the provision of mass transit in the City of Kharkiv (the \"City\") as part of an overall strategy to achieve sustainable urban transport in the city. Taking into account that the registered population of Kharkiv is about 1 500 000, not including large number of labour living in suburban areas and students, the current transport system, based primarily on buses and minibuses, no longer enables efficient passenger transportation, especially in the face of rising car ownership, leading to congestion.The project will finance the following investment components:— Construction of a 3,47 km extension of the existing Green Metro Line in the southern part of the city of Kharkiv including construction of 2 new underground metro stations:—— Derzhavinska is a shallow station located on the east side of Gagarin Avenue, partially on a private development area. Access to the underground stations halls from opposite sides of the Gagarina Avenue is ensured by a pa

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