Tija de zavorare Gamma -Spectrum Trochanter Titan Steril-LUNGA
Data licitatiei 19.02.2024
Valoare estimata : 1,300 RON
Tip anunt:
Cumparari directe
ID: 7976879
Data publicarii :
RO/Alba |
Descriere scurta:
Tija de zavorare Gamma -Spectrum Trochanter Titan Steril-LUNGA
Coduri CPV:
33183100-7 - Implanturi ortopedice
Textul licitației
1500 RON (301.39 EUR)
Data de raspuns a ofertantului:
Data limita de raspuns a autoritatii contractante:
Repere Achizitionate
Tija de zavorare Gamma -Spectrum Trochanter Titan Steril-LUNGA
Numar de referinta: SMT45
Pret de catalog: 1500 RON / Unitate de masura
Unitate de masura: buc
Cod si denumire CPV: 33183100-7 Implanturi ortopedice (Rev.2)
Descriere: System complet ! The SpectruM Trochanter implant and instrument system combines the advantages of the previously
distributed and successfully applied systems furthermore the advantages of the radiolucent targeting
arm. The system based on a well-considered development process, where the main aims were the
simplicity and the striving for the minimal time duration of the opera