Data licitatiei 17.11.2019


Tadjikistan - Khorog : BERD - KhoMO-03 Furnizare de echipamente de birou și software
Data licitatiei 17.11.2019
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 4189724 Data publicarii : 16.10.2019 Tara/Judet:
Descriere scurta:

Tadjikistan - Khorog : BERD - KhoMO-03 Furnizare de echipamente de birou și software

Coduri CPV:

42990000-2 - Diverse utilaje cu utilizare specială

Textul licitației

oan:The purchaser now invites sealed tenders from suppliers for the following contract[s] to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan: supply of office equipment and softwareLot 1: Office equipment;Lot 2: 1 C software;Lot 3: ArcGIS software.Tenders are invited for one or more lots. Each lot must be priced separately. Tenders for more than one lot may offer discounts and such discounts will be considered in the comparison of tenders tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to firms from any country.To be qualified for the award of a contract, tenderers must substantially satisfy the following minimum criteria:(a) experienceExperience as Supplier, in at least 2 (two) contracts within the period from 2017 up to the deadline for submission of tenders, each with a value of at leastLot 1: 32 000 USD;Lot 2: 16 000 USD;Lot 3: 16 000 USD.That have been successfully and substantially completed and that are similar to the proposed goods. The similarity shall be based on the nature and complexity of the goods compared with the goods described in Section V: Supply Requirements;(b) financial resourcesThe tenderer must demonstrate access to, or availability of, financial resources such as liqu

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