T24-213BUS PEACEPLUS Distance Travelled Reissue
Data licitatiei 29.01.2025
au mai rămas 19 zile
Valoare estimata : 59,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 9080229
Data publicarii :
AL |
Descriere scurta:
T24-213BUS PEACEPLUS Distance Travelled Reissue
Coduri CPV:
85322000-2 - Programe de acţiune comunitară
Textul licitației
ral diversity, social issues and understanding/peer learning about diverse groups and identities. The concept arose from the co-design process across the district, but particularly in the Strabane area and is one of the key projects engaging with the Travelling Community. The target engagement (in 2 cross-community cohorts) will be with 20 Travellers, 20 people from other BAME (Black and Minority Ethnic) identities, 20 people from Catholic / Nationalist / Republican (CNR) identities and 20 from Protestant / Unionist / Loyalist (PUL) identities. Delivery will use a range of venues, building confidence for all participants in accessing diverse spaces and places. This project is under the Celebrating Cultures and Diversity Theme. Please refer to etendersni.gov.ukIdentificatorul procedurii: 5372b12b-a491-48ad-b189-5e31f21cb995Anunț anterior: 666216-2024Identificator intern: T24-213BUS PEACEPLUS Distance Travelled ReissueTip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nu2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: ServiciiClasificarea principală (cpv): 85322000 Programe de acţiune comunitară2.1.2. Locul de executareAdresă poștală: 98 Strand Road Localitate: Derry