Data licitatiei 31.08.2024


Support to the implementation of the EU-Canada Strategic Partnership on Raw Materials
Data licitatiei 31.08.2024
Valoare estimata : 3,000,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8506093 Data publicarii : 15.07.2024 Tara/Judet: AL
Descriere scurta:

Support to the implementation of the EU-Canada Strategic Partnership on Raw Materials

Coduri CPV:

71241000-9 - Studii de fezabilitate, servicii de consultanţă, analize
71621000-7 - Servicii de analiză sau consultanţă tehnică
73000000-2 - Servicii de cercetare şi de dezvoltare şi servicii conexe de consultanţă
79000000-4 - Servicii pentru întreprinderi: drept, marketing, consultanţă, recrutare, tipărire şi securitate
79416000-3 - Servicii de relaţii cu publicul
79952000-2 - Servicii pentru evenimente

Textul licitației

green and digital transitions. In particular, the project will 1) focus on supporting a more effective implementation of the three pillars of the EU-CAN Strategic Partnership on Raw Materials by way of its Action Plans, and 2) continue the presence and representation of the European Union at the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC), the biggest mining and exploration exposition in the world.Identificatorul procedurii: d2854cea-9682-478a-94c8-3aeba5385491Identificator intern: EC-FPI/YOW/2024/EA-RP/0021Tip de procedură: Restrânsă2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: ServiciiClasificarea principală (cpv): 71621000 Servicii de analiză sau consultanţă tehnică2.1.3. ValoareValoarea estimată fără TVA: 3 000 000,00 EUR2.1.4. Informații generaleInformații suplimentare: For any additional information, please refer to the document A5f "Additional information about the Contract Notice". In case of unavailability or disruptions in the functioning of the electronic means of communication provided in Section 5.1.11 in the last 5 calendar days before the time limit for receipt indicated in Section 5.1.12, the contracting authority reserves the right to extend thi

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