Data licitatiei 08.05.2025

au mai rămas 63 zile

Supply of Aerial Images, Digital Ortho-photo maps and Digital Terrain Model, vehicles and on-the-spot control equipment for the IPARD Agency in Montenegro
Data licitatiei 08.05.2025
au mai rămas 63 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9330404 Data publicarii : 05.03.2025 Tara/Judet: AL
Descriere scurta:

Supply of Aerial Images, Digital Ortho-photo maps and Digital Terrain Model, vehicles and on-the-spot control equipment for the IPARD Agency in Montenegro

Coduri CPV:

18100000-0 - Îmbrăcăminte de uz profesional, îmbrăcăminte specială de lucru şi accesorii
30192200-3 - Rulete
30221000-4 - Hărţi de cadastru digitale
32250000-0 - Telefoane mobile
34100000-8 - Autovehicule
34965000-9 - Echipament de măsurare a distanţei (DME)
38112100-4 - Sisteme de navigare şi de poziţionare globală (GPS sau echivalente)
48823000-3 - Servere de fişiere
71354100-5 - Servicii de cartografie digitală
71354200-6 - Servicii de cartografie aeriană
71355100-2 - Servicii de fotogrammetrie
72317000-0 - Servicii de stocare de date
79961200-0 - Servicii de fotografie aeriană

Textul licitației

, delivery, unloading (where applicable), installation (where applicable), training (where applicable), commissioning (where applicable), related to commissioning of the Aerial images, Digital Terrain Model (DTM), and Digital Orthophoto (DOP) for 13,882 km2, 6 vehicles and On-the-spot equipment (Backup system, 10 photo cameras, 10 GPS, 30 sets of clothing items, 46 measuring instruments, 30 backpacks, 5 inspection cameras, 10 smartphones and 20 HDD) for the Directorate for Payments of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Montenegro (IPARD Agency) for the purposes of strengthening its capacities related to management of IACS (Integrated Administrative and Control System) and its LPIS (Land Parcel Identification System) and other tasks prescribed by the Chapter 11 – Agriculture and Rural Development of the Acquis and the Common Agricultural Policy.Identif

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