Data licitatiei 26.09.2024


Spania: Capacity building and Experimentation for Innovation for Place-based Transformation
Data licitatiei 26.09.2024
Valoare estimata : 525,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8587370 Data publicarii : 05.08.2024 Tara/Judet: SP
Descriere scurta:

Spania: Capacity building and Experimentation for Innovation for Place-based Transformation

Coduri CPV:

73000000-2 - Servicii de cercetare şi de dezvoltare şi servicii conexe de consultanţă
73100000-3 - Servicii de cercetare şi de dezvoltare experimentală
80500000-9 - Servicii de formare
80521000-2 - Servicii privind programele de formare

Textul licitației

Horizon Europe with the resources needed to design and implement innovation policies for place-based transformation in the frame of the “Innovation for place based transformation” initiative supported by the European Parliament, with the aim to: 1. Reinforce territorial capacities for transformative innovation policies by developing and delivering a Capacity Building programme; 2. Support a place-based transformative innovation policy experimentation arena, where territories can jointly engage into different thematic policy Experimentations Journeys, based around common challenges. To achieve these objectives the following activities are foreseen in the contract: • To design, develop and deliver a modular training and coaching package (capacity building) targeted to national, local and regional administrations, and their territorial stakeholders (business sector, academia and citizens representatives) from the EU and third countries associated to Horizon Europe. • To design and facilitate transformative innovation expertise and logistic for the support of a minimum 6 Experimentation Journeys (experimentation activities) to be proposed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (EC-JRC) based on the analysis of the received expression of interest by participating territories; • The modular trainings and co

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