Data licitatiei 08.09.2023


Site Survey ILS/DME Suceava International Airport ROMATSA
Data licitatiei 08.09.2023
Valoare estimata : 45,000 EUR Tip anunt: Achizitii ID: 7357785 Data publicarii : 23.08.2023 Tara/Judet: RO/Bucuresti
Descriere scurta:

Denumire contract: Site Survey ILS/DME Suceava International Airport ROMATSA Data limita depunere oferta: 2023-09-08

Coduri CPV:

73420000-2 - Studiu de prefezabilitate şi demonstraţie tehnologică

Textul licitației

Descriere contract: Performance of Site Survey services in order to determine the possibility of installation of CAT III ILS/DME systems (in accordance with Annex 10 ICAO) ILS/DME systems on RWY16 and RWY34 landing directions and at Suceava International Airport. Conditii referitoare la contract: \"The purpose of the Site Survey is to determine the possibility and to identify solutions to obtain CAT III ILS/DME performances under the present conditions at Suceava International Airport on landing directions 16 and 34. The bidder will present in detail the results and conclusions of the Site Survey Report and will indicate compatible solutions for improving the

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autentificare CREARE CONT Cere Consultanta