Data licitatiei 06.05.2015


Serbia-Belgrad: BERD - Proiect privind trecerea la difuzarea digitală
Data licitatiei 06.05.2015
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 1203204 Data publicarii : 05.05.2015 Tara/Judet: SE
Descriere scurta:

Serbia-Belgrad: BERD - Proiect privind trecerea la difuzarea digitală

Coduri CPV:

32420000-3 - Echipament de reţea
32500000-8 - Echipament de telecomunicaţii
45314000-1 - Instalare de echipament de telecomunicaţii
71310000-4 - Servicii de consultanţă în domeniul ingineriei şi al construcţiilor
71520000-9 - Servicii de supraveghere a lucrărilor

Textul licitației

e of financing the second phase of the process of switchover from analogue to digital broadcasting of TV programmes in the Republic of Serbia. The proposed project, which has a total estimated cost of EUR 18.0 million equivalent, requires the procurement of the following goods, works and services:• Goods - Equipment to build the network of three MUXs for Digital Terrestrial TV Broadcasting, to cover at least 95% of the population of Serbia with the 1st MUX and at least 90% population with the 2nd and 3rd MUX. Equipment will include network equipment, transmission equipment, high-powered and low-powered antenna systems, measurement equipment, uninterruptible power supply and power generators;• Consulting Services – Consultants to assist ETV with project implementation and administration.• Civil Works – Infrastructure rehabilitation and reconstruction works for the purpose of housing the above equipment;• Construction Supervision – Supervisors to assist ETV with Civil Works supervision; andTendering for the Goods and Consulting Services has been completed and tendering fo

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