Regatul Unit: Support to align Ukrainian legislation, policies and institutions with EU acquis in agriculture and rural development (IPRSA III)
Data licitatiei 04.03.2025


Valoare estimata : 8,750,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9155904
Data publicarii :
RE |
Descriere scurta:
Regatul Unit: Support to align Ukrainian legislation, policies and institutions with EU acquis in agriculture and rural development (IPRSA III)
Coduri CPV:
75110000-0 - Servicii de administraţie generală
77100000-1 - Servicii pentru agricultură
Textul licitației
f Ukraine in the adoption of EU acquis in the fields of agriculture and rural development, fisheries and aquaculture. It will contribute to raise the capacities of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and its executive agencies in designing and implementing key reforms in these sectors and enhance the functionality of Ukraine’s services, control and infrastructure system in a gradual alignment with relevant EU and other international standards. The project will notably continue supporting the approximation of Ukrainian legislation with EU legislation in agriculture, rural development and fisheries areas, prepare institutions for the implementation of the Common Agriculture Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy, and contribute to the digitalisation of its services, including the State Agrarian Register and related database and systems. The Action may also cover reforms and build capacities