Data licitatiei 06.10.2014


Regatul Unit-Londra: Servicii de laborator de cercetare
Data licitatiei 06.10.2014
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 893553 Data publicarii : 05.10.2014 Tara/Judet:
Descriere scurta:

Regatul Unit-Londra: Servicii de laborator de cercetare

Coduri CPV:

73111000-3 - Servicii de laborator de cercetare

Textul licitației

any liability on its part. All communications shall be in English (or a full translation provided at no cost to UCL). Tenders, when invited, and all supporting documentation must be priced in Sterling and all payments under the Contract will be in Sterling. Any contract or agreement resulting from acceptance of the Invitation To Tender (ITT) will be considered as a Contract made in England according to English Law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. UCL does not bind itself to accept any tender and reserves the right to accept any part of the tender. No contract capable of acceptance will be created between UCL and any party until a contract is executed between UCL and the selected providers.A se citi:\'It has been drawn to our attention that the specification for the hardware required may be too high, and that some bidders may have been discouraged from bidding on this basis. Bidders may also wish to re-cost their bids on the basis of this revision. The specification published on Intend dated 29/08/14 is correct on all other aspects, however the hardware specification has been reviewed and the tender updated accordingly. Additionally, changes to dates caused by this deadline extension have also been updated accordingly. All changes are highlighted in the docum

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