Data licitatiei 22.11.2024

au mai rămas 29 zile

Regatul Unit: Event Management and Catering Services
Data licitatiei 22.11.2024
au mai rămas 29 zile
Valoare estimata : 7,500,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8896042 Data publicarii : 24.10.2024 Tara/Judet: RE
Descriere scurta:

Regatul Unit: Event Management and Catering Services

Coduri CPV:

55110000-4 - Servicii de cazare la hotel
55120000-7 - Servicii de reuniuni şi conferinţe organizate la hotel
55300000-3 - Servicii de restaurant şi de servire a mâncării
55523000-2 - Servicii de catering pentru alte societăţi sau instituţii
60170000-0 - Inchiriere de vehicule de transport de persoane cu şofer
60210000-3 - Servicii de transport feroviar public
79540000-1 - Servicii de interpretariat
79800000-2 - Servicii tipografice şi servicii conexe
79951000-5 - Servicii de organizare de seminarii
79952000-2 - Servicii pentru evenimente
79961000-8 - Servicii de fotografie

Textul licitației

round 60% took place in Kyiv, and around 40% took place in the remaining parts of Ukraine. EUACI estimates a similar number and distribution of events during the Contract period. EUACI requires an experienced event management and catering agency in order to provide organization of events including logistical support, booking of conference halls, interpretation services and coffee breaks etc. during events in Kyiv and for the entire country. In the Contract Period, thus in total up to 48 months, the estimated value of the framework agreement is DKK 7,500,000 (EUR 1.000.000) net of VAT, without the option for additional services, which equals an additional DKK 1.500.000, thus the framework agreement has a maximum value of DKK 9,000,000. EUACI does not guarantee that the actual and accumulated expenditure will reach the estimated value. The service fee to the Supplier is included in the estimated value of the framework agreement.Identificatorul procedurii: 190f5aef-a88a-42e8-8614-26efab398806Identificator intern: 24/39851Tip de procedură: RestrânsăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The tender procedure is governed by Danish law and the rules applicable hereunder. The Danish Public Procurement Act (in Danish) is available on: h

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