Data licitatiei 16.05.2025

au mai rămas 65 zile

Regatul Unit: DK 021:2015:33160000-9: Operating techniques (CPV) (System for phacoemulsification and vitrectomy with laser module in the package, code NK 024-2023: 45072 - phacoemulsification/vitrectomy system; Laser system for use in cataract, refractive surgery and keratoplasty, code NK 024-2023: 57995 - femtosecond ophthalmic solid-state laser system)
Data licitatiei 16.05.2025
au mai rămas 65 zile
Valoare estimata : 32,426,100 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9356755 Data publicarii : 12.03.2025 Tara/Judet: RE
Descriere scurta:

Regatul Unit: DK 021:2015:33160000-9: Operating techniques (CPV) (System for phacoemulsification and vitrectomy with laser module in the package, code NK 024-2023: 45072 - phacoemulsification/vitrectomy system; Laser system for use in cataract, refractive surgery and keratoplasty, code NK 024-2023: 57995 - femtosecond ophthalmic solid-state laser system)

Coduri CPV:

33160000-9 - Tehnici operatorii

Textul licitației

hniques (CPV) (System for phacoemulsification and vitrectomy with laser module in the package, code NK 024-2023: 45072 - phacoemulsification/vitrectomy system; Laser system for use in cataract, refractive surgery and keratoplasty, code NK 024-2023: 57995 - femtosecond ophthalmic solid-state laser system)Descriere: 2 names, according to the Technical SpecificationIdentificatorul procedurii: 7507aeb8-f827-46e8-971e-96e4e77c5bb0Tip de procedură: Altă procedură cu o singură etapă2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: BunuriClasificarea principală (cpv): 33160000 Tehnici operatorii2.1.2. Locul de executareȚara: UcrainaInformații suplimentare: 46002, Ukraine, Ternopil region, Ternopil city, Klinichna st., 12.1.3. ValoareValoarea e

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