Regatul Unit - kyiv: RFQ-EnCS-2024-107- Supply and Delivery of Asynchronous Electric Motor 6 kV, 8000 kW with Air Cooling
Data licitatiei 15.07.2024
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 8475147
Data publicarii :
RE |
Descriere scurta:
Regatul Unit - kyiv: RFQ-EnCS-2024-107- Supply and Delivery of Asynchronous Electric Motor 6 kV, 8000 kW with Air Cooling
Coduri CPV:
31000000-6 - Maşini, aparate, echipamente şi consumabile electrice; iluminat
31110000-0 - Motoare electrice
65000000-3 - Utilităţi publice
Textul licitației
oods and/or services subject to the present RFQ comes from the Ukraine Energy Support Fund (the “Fund”, <>). Therefore, involved in this project but not parties to the resulting Purchase Agreement are the following: (a) ESP/Tetra Tech, acting as procurement agent, is responsible to select the Supplier of the goods and/or services required and to negotiate the terms and conditions of the Purchase Agreement that will result from this RFQ on behalf of the beneficiary Ukrainian company receiving the goods and/or services (the Client); and (b) The Energy Community Secretariat (EnCS), acting as manager and fiduciary of the Fund, is responsible to pay on behalf of the Client directly the Supplier of the said goods and/or services upon submission of the Supplier’s invoice certified by the Client in accordance with the Purchase Agreement. The resulting Purchase Agreement is to be concluded between the successful bidder (the Supplier) and the beneficiary Ukrainian company (the Client).Identificatorul procedurii: e09b74bc-104b-46c6-9e1b-ae21bea72a10Identificator intern: e09b74bc-104b-46c6-9e1b-ae21bea72a10Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: daJustifi