Polonia: Fabrication of CVS / Access Tunnel / PXS‐B Walls Module (Commodity Code CA05) for Poland AP 1000® Project
Data licitatiei 10.12.2024
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 9036990
Data publicarii :
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Descriere scurta:
Polonia: Fabrication of CVS / Access Tunnel / PXS‐B Walls Module (Commodity Code CA05) for Poland AP 1000® Project
Coduri CPV:
45260000-7 - Lucrări de acoperire şi alte lucrări speciale de construcţii
Textul licitației
scope is one of the smaller, yet still complex structural modules in the AP1000 design. CA05 is fabricated in 8 sub-modules before shipment to the identified site. CA05 has associated misc. equipment such as ASME Section III piping and associated penetrations, attachment plates, leak chases, and support studs; temporary supports including U-bolts, nuts, and fasteners; hoist rings and inserts. 1. Experienced manufacturers / Fabricators capable of fabricating and furnishing AP1000® structural modules and / or shield building (described below), must (i) contact (email and/or phone call) the Westinghouse Contact Person identified in section 1 to express interest and request an AP1000 supplier qualification questionnaire, and (ii) upon receipt, complete the AP1000 supplier qualification questionnaire with sufficient detail for Westinghouse evaluation and return it via email to the Westinghouse contact person. If there are any questions or clarifications needed, please reach out to the contact person listed above. 2. The qualification criteria shall be included in the AP1000 supplier qualification questionnaire, examples thereof include demonstration of: (i) demonstrated experience in furnishing similar scopes in large carbon steel fabrication such as sub-modules that are around 7.6 m in length, 3.4 m on width, and wall thickness of