Olanda: Wire Detectors republished
Data licitatiei 19.03.2025
au mai rămas 5 zile


Valoare estimata : 1,500,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9286264
Data publicarii :
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Descriere scurta:
Olanda: Wire Detectors republished
Coduri CPV:
38546100-5 - Detectoare de bombe
Textul licitației
award. The purpose is to acquire small lightweight handheld wire detection. The operator should be able to assemble the configuration in under five (5) minutes and stores it in a flexible and slim case that can be attached to his backpack. The wire detector must contain various notification settings to fit multiple environments and situations. The Wire detector should allow the operator to pinpoint the location of the cable to an area not larger than 30 cm in numerous different types of soils. The operator is able to switch batteries, without using tools, for new batteries he carries on his belt or in his backpack. These are commercial D-Cell or C-Cell batteries that are also used in other systems. Due to the ergonomically formed grip and arm support the operator is able to continue working with the detector for 8 hours if need be without being hindered by the weight or size of the syst