Olanda: Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) Services
Data licitatiei 23.04.2025
au mai rămas 35 zile


Valoare estimata : 2,600,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9386295
Data publicarii :
OL |
Descriere scurta:
Olanda: Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) Services
Coduri CPV:
79710000-4 - Servicii de siguranţă
79714000-2 - Servicii de supraveghere
Textul licitației
t of a wide range of inspections/verifications which must include at least the following categories: Physical inspection, Non-Linear Junction Detector, Optical inspection and Technical inspection. The services to be provided shall be carried out at the Europol Premises, as well as other upcoming satellite building(s) and other locations in The Hague, the Netherlands. Exceptionally, TSCM services may be requested to be performed outside the Netherlands.Identificatorul procedurii: bf0b00dc-2da5-4866-89c7-37d2720b1c9bIdentificator intern: EUROPOL/2025/RP/0006Tip de procedură: Restrânsă2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: ServiciiClasificarea principală (cpv): 79710000 Servicii de siguranţă2.1.3. ValoareValoarea estimată fără TVA: 2 600 000,00 EUR2.