Data licitatiei 24.11.2024


Olanda: Request for Qualifications: Saba Renewable Energy Phase 3 Project - Solar PV with Battery Energy Storage System Engineering, Procurement and Construction for Saba Electric Company
Data licitatiei 24.11.2024
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8911712 Data publicarii : 29.10.2024 Tara/Judet: OL
Descriere scurta:

Olanda: Request for Qualifications: Saba Renewable Energy Phase 3 Project - Solar PV with Battery Energy Storage System Engineering, Procurement and Construction for Saba Electric Company

Coduri CPV:

09310000-5 - Electricitate
09330000-1 - Energie solară
45262640-9 - Lucrări de ameliorare a mediului
65320000-2 - Exploatarea instalaţiilor electrice

Textul licitației

V. (SEC) is issuing this Request for Qualifications for interested parties to provide information to qualify for an upcoming tender for Engineering, Procurement, and Construction services for a utility-scale ground-mounted solar PV plant with battery energy storage system (BESS) project at Giles Quarters, Saba. The approximate plant capacities are 2MW solar and 7.2MWh BESS. The proposed Phase 3 solar PV with BESS renewable energy plant will be located on a 34,530 square meter site at Giles Quarter. It will be interconnected to the Saba grid either by extending existing Feeder #3 by 1km or by a new 2-3km 12kV feeder from the SEC Power Station (Feeder #4). Saba Electric Company N.V. (SEC) is issuing this Request for Qualifications for interested parties to provide information to qualify for an upcoming tender for Engineering, Procurement, and Construction services for a utility-scale ground-mounted solar PV plant with battery energy storage system (BESS) project at Giles Quarters, Saba. The approximate plant capacities are 2MW solar and 7.2MWh BESS. The proposed Phase 3 solar PV with BESS renewable energy plant will be located on a 34,530 square meter site at Giles Quarter. It will be interconnected to the Saba grid either by extending existing Feeder #3 by 1km or by a new 2-3km 12kV feeder from the SEC Power Station (Feeder #4).

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