Data licitatiei 26.09.2024

au mai rămas 5 zile

Olanda: Promoting Sustainable and Community-Based-Tourism in Egypt
Data licitatiei 26.09.2024
au mai rămas 5 zile
Valoare estimata : 325,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8625720 Data publicarii : 14.08.2024 Tara/Judet: OL
Descriere scurta:

Olanda: Promoting Sustainable and Community-Based-Tourism in Egypt

Coduri CPV:

75210000-1 - Afaceri externe şi alte servicii

Textul licitației

ife for local communities while offering more sustainable tourism experiences to visitors. While the tourism sector is central to Egypt’s economy, Egypt is primarily known for low-cost mass tourism. This extractive and ‘come-and-go’ tourism model provides limited benefits to local stakeholders (communities and SMEs) and creates unsustainable pressure on local ecosystems. The aim of the project – and the reason for this invitation to tender – is to contribute to the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism 30-30-30 strategy , by supporting the development of a more inclusive and more sustainable tourism product offering, attracting tourists who stay longer and spend more money per person in different sub-national destinations of Egypt. maximale waarde per perceel zie aanbestedingsdocementIdentificatorul procedurii: bce2ec4b-7028-4991-be43-ed4e673842c5Identificator intern: 202401067Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: Hiervoor is gekozen gezien het geringe aantal verwachte inschrijvingen (drie tot vijf per perceel), opdracht niet te complex, door deze procedure de administratieve lasten van zowel inschrijver als de aanbestedende dienst als de interne klant in een goede verhouding staan tot de geraamde waa

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