Data licitatiei 05.09.2024


Norvegia: Tyres and tyre services Horisont Miljøpark IKS
Data licitatiei 05.09.2024
Valoare estimata : 7,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8577283 Data publicarii : 01.08.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Tyres and tyre services Horisont Miljøpark IKS

Coduri CPV:

19511000-1 - Camere de aer, benzi de rulare şi flapsuri din cauciuc
19511300-4 - Benzi de rulare pentru pneuri
34350000-5 - Pneuri pentru sarcină mică şi mare
34351100-3 - Pneuri pentru autovehicule
34352000-9 - Pneuri pentru sarcină mare
34352100-0 - Pneuri pentru camioane
34913200-2 - Pneuri reşapate
50116500-6 - Servicii de reparare a pneurilor, inclusiv montare şi echilibrare

Textul licitației

ivitatea autorității contractante: Servicii publice generale2. Procedură2.1. ProcedurăTitlu: Tyres and tyre services Horisont Miljøpark IKSDescriere: INNSIKT is a strategic cooperation between the waste companies Hadeland and Ringerike Avfallsselskap AS (HRA), Horisont Miljøpark IKS (Horisont), Renovasjonsselskapet GLØR IKS (GLØR), Sirkula IKS and Sør-Østerdal Interkommunale Renovasjonsselskap IKS (SØIR). The procurement cooperation in INNSIKT is organised as an administrative and binding cooperation with Sirkula IKS as a host company. The companies that are part of the procurement cooperation are Horizon, HRA, GLØR and Sirkula. The contracting authority for this procurement is Horisont Miljøpark IKS, which is owned by Østre and Vestre Toten, Søndre and Nordre Land and Gjøvik municipalities. There are a total of approx. 72,000 inhabitants in the area. The company undertakes collection of household waste in the owner municipalities and operates 1 waste facility and 7 recycling stations. Heleid subsidiary Horisont Renovasjon AS shall be able to make call-offs on the contract. See: The competition is divided into two sub-contracts: Sub-contract 1 is for the procurement of tyres and tyre services for lorries, as well as goods and passenger cars. Sub-contra

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