Norvegia: Transport and treatment of residue waste from HIMs miljøparker
Data licitatiei 24.04.2025
au mai rămas 38 zile


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ID: 9374826
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Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Transport and treatment of residue waste from HIMs miljøparker
Coduri CPV:
90510000-5 - Eliminare şi tratare a deşeurilor menajere
90512000-9 - Servicii de transport de deşeuri menajere
90514000-3 - Servicii de reciclare a deşeurilor menajere
Textul licitației
fers sanitation services for the business sector in Nord-Rogaland and parts of Sunnhordland. HIM has 64,000 inhabitants and approx. 30,000 household subscribers and 4,000 holiday homes. HIM has two environment parks, Årabrot and Toraneset and one environment station in Etne (Figure 1). HIM invites tenderers to an open tender contest for the procurement of transport and treatment of bulky residual waste from environment parks.Identificatorul procedurii: 4bd6948a-faae-413b-ba55-bf255d028480Identificator intern: 2025/8Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: See annexes2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: ServiciiClasificarea principală (cpv): 90510000 Eliminare şi tratare a deşeurilor menajereClasificare sup