Data licitatiei 26.09.2024


Norvegia: The preparation of self-study based on DI2X ́s framework for digital transformation.
Data licitatiei 26.09.2024
Valoare estimata : 10,500,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8660364 Data publicarii : 27.08.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: The preparation of self-study based on DI2X ́s framework for digital transformation.

Coduri CPV:

37524100-8 - Jocuri educative
80400000-8 - Servicii de educare a adulţilor şi alte servicii de învăţământ
80420000-4 - Servicii de e-învăţare (e-learning)
80590000-6 - Servicii de asistenţă pedagogică

Textul licitației

ir place of residence. By collaborating on new digital tools, the municipalities can offer better and more available services to inhabitants, businesses and other social actors. This cooperation reduces the use of resources in each municipality and builds competence across the region. The Digi networks participate in both major national digitalisation projects and work on local challenges. Through the sharing of resources, experiences and technology, as well as the development of joint methodologies for profit realisation and process improvement, the Digi networks oversee the digitalisation of the municipal sector. Cooperation is more efficient than each municipality developing separate solutions for the same problems. Although each municipality has its distinctive features, the cooperation increases the breadth of the available tools, and systems that are tested regionally could potentially be national projects.Identificatorul procedurii: faea8ac1-9257-4112-b315-9f6084c4a1a4Identificator intern: 2024020048Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: Background: Description of the procurement: The Digi networks have started a competence boost in digital transformation and sustainability, with the goa

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