Norvegia: The Future Business System
Data licitatiei 07.04.2025
au mai rămas 26 zile


Valoare estimata : 35,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 9341212
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: The Future Business System
Coduri CPV:
48100000-9 - Pachete software pentru industrie
48217000-2 - Pachete software de procesare a tranzacţiilor
48400000-2 - Pachete software pentru tranzacţii comerciale şi personale
48442000-8 - Pachete software pentru sisteme financiare
48444100-3 - Sistem de facturare
48445000-9 - Pachete software de management al relaţiilor cu clienţii
48451000-4 - Pachete software de planificare a resurselor întreprinderii
72000000-5 - Servicii IT: consultanţă, dezvoltare de software, internet şi asistenţă
72211000-7 - Servicii de programare de sisteme informatice şi software utilitare
72212445-0 - Servicii de dezvoltare de software de management al relaţiilor cu clienţii
72212451-5 - Servicii de dezvoltare de software de planificare a resurselor întreprinderii
72230000-6 - Servicii de dezvoltare de software personalizat
72232000-0 - Servicii de dezvoltare de software de prelucrare de tranzacţii şi de software personalizat
Textul licitației
rom customer management to resource utilisation and waste management. A central step in this process is the procurement of a new business system that shall replace the current system, ISY Proaktiv, which has been in use for many years. ISY Proaktiv has had several CRM-like functions for the sanitation industry, but several of the system's functions and data processing processes are now considered more appropriate to handle in a combination of a modern data platform and other systems. In addition, the market for industry specific solutions has been dominated by few actors, which has led to limited innovation and development over time. Bir and ReIT would like to use this procurement to explore a broader spectrum of systems and open up to more suppliers than those who have traditionally delivered to the industry. Although sanitation has some distinctive needs - such as integration with the