Norvegia: Self-service payment system for electricity to municipal marinas in Kristiansand municipality
Data licitatiei 16.12.2024
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 8981231
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Self-service payment system for electricity to municipal marinas in Kristiansand municipality
Coduri CPV:
30144400-4 - Taxare automată
31681400-7 - Componente electrice
31682000-0 - Surse de energie electrică
45315300-1 - Instalaţii de distribuţie de energie electrică
72300000-8 - Servicii de înlocuire de date
Textul licitației
the app and that the public can check their balances and consumption, as well as have control that the feed is actually connected via the app. It is also desirable for the municipality to be able to monitor which power columns are in use, consumption and whether the pillars are in normal operation or if there are errors on them. The municipality would also like an option to adjust the power level on the pillars in relation to the purchase price. The municipality would like a wireless payment system for the procurement of electricity.Identificatorul procedurii: cbdd0f45-dfea-4bad-b6ec-9a86c37756a3Identificator intern: 2024027626Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: Kristiansand municipality ́s marinas currently have 312 electricity columns divided between 16 ports. These are of different types and are specified below. It is the current electric columns that shall be used. Any hardware that must be connected to the power column can either be built into the electricity column or mounted on the outside of the power column. The municipality will be responsible for the actual electricity column during the contract period. If electricity columns have to be replaced, the municipality shall. The procurement of