Data licitatiei 23.04.2025

au mai rămas 35 zile

Norvegia: Safety alarms with the accompanying services.
Data licitatiei 23.04.2025
au mai rămas 35 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9373618 Data publicarii : 17.03.2025 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Safety alarms with the accompanying services.

Coduri CPV:

33100000-1 - Echipamente medicale
33195000-3 - Sistem de monitorizare a pacienţilor
33196000-0 - Mijloace auxiliare medicale
33196100-1 - Dispozitive pentru persoanele în vârstă
33196200-2 - Dispozitive pentru persoanele cu deficienţe
35100000-5 - Echipament de urgenţă şi de siguranţă
35120000-1 - Sisteme şi dispozitive de supraveghere şi de securitate
35121000-8 - Echipament de securitate
35121100-9 - Sonerii
79000000-4 - Servicii pentru întreprinderi: drept, marketing, consultanţă, recrutare, tipărire şi securitate
79711000-1 - Servicii de monitorizare a sistemelor de alarmă

Textul licitației

on and response centre services (staffed health reception, including dialogue with users and filtering alarms). Dey offered products/services must satisfy the Norwegian Directorate of e-Health ́s recommendations on technical requirements for safety technology. See the link: the procurement ́s value is estimated to: NOK 800,000 per annum, excluding VAT. The volume is an estimate and is not binding for the contracting authority. This procurement is considered to have an immaterial impact on climate and environment, cf. the Regulations §7-9, fifth paragraph. The justification for this is that the procurement concerns the procurement of digital services where the nature of the procurement means that the contracting authority has been cut off from affecting climate and environmental impact, as requirements

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