Norvegia: Qualification - Health West - Digital health service for following-up cancer patients
Data licitatiei 11.10.2024
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 8726477
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Qualification - Health West - Digital health service for following-up cancer patients
Coduri CPV:
33100000-1 - Echipamente medicale
48100000-9 - Pachete software pentru industrie
48151000-1 - Sisteme de control informatic
48180000-3 - Pachete software pentru uz medical
48400000-2 - Pachete software pentru tranzacţii comerciale şi personale
48460000-0 - Pachete software analitice, ştiinţifice, matematice sau previzionale
48814000-7 - Sistem de informare în domeniul medical
72000000-5 - Servicii IT: consultanţă, dezvoltare de software, internet şi asistenţă
72200000-7 - Servicii de programare şi de consultanţă software
72222300-0 - Servicii de tehnologie a informaţiilor
72230000-6 - Servicii de dezvoltare de software personalizat
72260000-5 - Servicii de software
72600000-6 - Servicii de asistenţă şi de consultanţă informatică
Textul licitației
with the tenderers in order to refine the tender documentation and the contract documentation. The aim of the procurement is to establish an agreement on technology and digital tools that can enable digital health care within cancer and potentially other patient groups. This means that parts of the treatment offer can take place without physical contact, where the dialogue and sharing of data between the patient and the treater occur digitally. New tools shall increase the ability to provide good treatment and follow-up, and increase patients' participation and participation. The aim of the procurement is to procure a knowledge based system for digital health services for the cancer area and potentially for other patient groups. See part I competition terms and part II of the contract documentation for further information.Identificatorul procedurii: b59ef19b-01a8-4502-a1d4-dae21910107eIdentificator intern: 2024/1138Tip de procedură: Dialog competitivPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The procurement will be made in accordance with applicable law from 17 June 2016 no. 73 on public procurements (LOA) and the regulations 12 August 2016 no. 974 on public procurements (FOA) parts I and part III. The procurement will be carried out as a competiti