Data licitatiei 24.01.2025


Norvegia: Purchase of satellite/spender cars
Data licitatiei 24.01.2025
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9119786 Data publicarii : 24.12.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Purchase of satellite/spender cars

Coduri CPV:

34100000-8 - Autovehicule
34140000-0 - Autovehicule de mare capacitate
34144500-3 - Vehicule pentru transportul deşeurilor menajere şi al apelor reziduale
34144510-6 - Vehicule pentru transportul deşeurilor menajere
34200000-9 - Caroserii, remorci sau semiremorci pentru vehicule
50100000-6 - Servicii de reparare şi de întreţinere a vehiculelor şi a echipamentelor aferente şi servicii conexe

Textul licitației

p;24/00569Tip de procedură: Negociată cu publicarea prealabilă a unei proceduri concurențiale de ofertare / competitivă cu negociereProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The contracting authority shall enter into a contract for the purchase of 2 satellite vehicles. The length of the service contracts is 7 years, with an option to extend further if needed. The procurement will be carried out in accordance with the Public Procurement Act of 17 June 2016 (LOA) and the Public Procurement Regulations (FOA) FOR 2016-08-12-974 parts I and part III. The contract will be awarded in accordance with the negotiated procedure after the prior notice. §13-1(2). The tender contest is initiated with a qualification phase. Only tenderers who fulfil the qualification requirements and who have been invited will be able to submit a tender. The contracting authority plans to invite a maximum of five (5) tenderers to submit tender offers. If more than five (5) qualified tenderers submit a request for participation to the competition, the contracting authority will choose among these tenderers on the basis of the selection criteria in point 5. All invited tenderers will have their tenders evaluated and invited to any negotiations. The contracting authority reserves th

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