Data licitatiei 27.11.2024

au mai rămas 34 zile

Norvegia: Project New Government Block - BUT category 4 - K808 - Curtains and access screening
Data licitatiei 27.11.2024
au mai rămas 34 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8896927 Data publicarii : 24.10.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Project New Government Block - BUT category 4 - K808 - Curtains and access screening

Coduri CPV:

39000000-2 - Mobilă (inclusiv mobilă de birou), accesorii de mobilier, aparate de uz casnic (exclusiv dispozitive de iluminat) şi produse de curăţat
39515000-5 - Perdele, draperii, baldachine şi storuri textile
39515100-6 - Perdele
44115810-0 - Şine şi cleme de perdele

Textul licitației

g equipment, for the new government block. This contract is for construction stage 1 which includes renovation of the tower block (H-block), as well as the construction of A-block, D-block and a building located on Lienga 4, 1414 Trollåsen. Construction phase 1 is planned to be completed 01.01.2026. The contract also includes an option for construction phases 2 and 3. The options include the same products and services on the same terms as construction phase 1.  Construction phases 2 and 3 are planned, but resources have not currently been granted for execution. The total project is estimated to be completed in 2032. The scope of the agreement is limited to curtains and access screening that shall be assembled in the planned buildings as described above, and with the volume stated in the at any given time current plan for curtains and access screening in the project New Government Block.Identificatorul procedurii: fd6c377b-3761-444f-bac0-6dfc2f4d5b73Identificator intern: 2024/3472Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: Otherwise a separate contractual provision has been included that the tenderer awarded the assignment must have the ability to handle security graded information. This means that duri

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