Norvegia: Procurement of used sorting excavators and wheel loader Hadeland and Ringerike Avfallsselskap AS
Data licitatiei 25.10.2024
Valoare estimata : 4,500,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 8767313
Data publicarii :
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Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Procurement of used sorting excavators and wheel loader Hadeland and Ringerike Avfallsselskap AS
Coduri CPV:
34144710-8 - Încărcătoare cu roţi
42418000-9 - Utilaje de ridicare, de manipulare, de încărcare sau de descărcare
43261000-0 - Cupe mecanice
43262100-8 - Excavatoare mecanice
Textul licitației
wheel loader Hadeland and Ringerike Avfallsselskap ASDescriere: The contracting authority for this procurement is Hadeland and Ringerike Avfallsselskap AS (HRA AS), which are owned by Gran, Lunner, Ringerike and Hole municipalities. The municipalities have a total of approx. 66,000 inhabitants. In addition to the collection of household waste for private persons, the company operates 1 waste facility and 6 recycling stations. See The contracting authority would like to procure a used/demo driven sorting excavator and wheel loader that, in a qualitative and environmentally good manner, covers the contracting authority ́s requirements. The contracting authority would also like seven year service agreements on offered machines as well as the trade-in of 1 used sorting excavator and 1 used wheeled loader.Identificatorul procedurii: 2fc41339-2966-4f2f-9299-4bdc31b251e9Identificator intern: 2024/158Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nu2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: BunuriClasificarea principală (cpv): 42418000 Utilaje de ridicare, de manipulare, de încărcare sau de descărcareClasificare suplimentară (cpv): 34144710 Încărcătoare cu roţi, 43261000 Cupe mec