Data licitatiei 02.07.2024


Norvegia: Procurement of machines and equipment for Ishavsbyen school
Data licitatiei 02.07.2024
Valoare estimata : 6,500,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8337568 Data publicarii : 03.06.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Procurement of machines and equipment for Ishavsbyen school

Coduri CPV:

42000000-6 - Echipamente industriale
42600000-2 - Maşini-unelte
42620000-8 - Strunguri, maşini de alezat şi de frezat
42621100-6 - Strung CNC
43710000-3 - Utilaje de laminare a metalelor

Textul licitației

uPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The contracting authority ́s description of the delivery is in annex 1 - requirement specifications. Further requirements: The service provider undertakes to ensure that the equipment, after the completed installation and commissioning, fulfils the relevant regulations regarding operation (CE marking) and HSE rules. The machine requirements shall fulfil the at any given time prevailing requirements in the international standards ISO and EN for machines. Environmental requirementsOf the environmental and future generations, the contracting authority wants to pursue an environmentally friendly procurement policy and would like to attract suppliers if the product is as environmentally friendly as possible, for example by environmental labelling, noise reduction and return schemes. Tenderers are asked to state procedures for a return scheme and any environmental labelling of the offered products. Maintenance and repairs Wearing parts shall be replaceable, and parts shall as far as possible be replaced if they break down. The wearing parts shall as a minimum be generally available for purchase for a minimum of ten years after delivery of the product. Emission requirements for vehicles - goods deliveries/customer visits Upon fulfilment of the contract, all vehicles with incineratio

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