Norvegia: Procurement of C-UAS (Counter-Unmanned Aerial System) for the protection of stationary objects, installations and air bases - Part I
Data licitatiei 13.12.2024
au mai rămas 38 zile
Valoare estimata : 750,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 8934562
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Procurement of C-UAS (Counter-Unmanned Aerial System) for the protection of stationary objects, installations and air bases - Part I
Coduri CPV:
35000000-4 - Echipament de securitate, de luptă împotriva incendiilor, de poliţie şi de apărare
35700000-1 - Sisteme electronice militare
35710000-4 - Sisteme de comandă, de control, de comunicaţii şi computerizate
35720000-7 - Informaţii, supraveghere, achiziţii de ţinte şi recunoaştere
35722000-1 - Radar
35730000-0 - Sisteme de război electronic şi contramăsuri
Textul licitației
rol system (C2-system), sensors and effectors (kinetic and/or non-kinetic), with the necessary integrations with the Norwegian Armed Forces command and control systems. In addition, a service contract shall be signed for support of the system. The competition is split in two parts, with (1) first phase being a prequalification of the tenderers, with a deadline for applying for participation. Tenderers who have been qualified will be evaluated in accordance with the stated selection criteria and ranked thereafter. Based on the ranking, NDMA will make a down selection where the top 5-10 tenderers will be offered to participate in the (2) second phase of the competition. In the second phase of the competition, tenderers will be sent and invitations to part 2 of the competition, with all necessary information for the procurement, tendering rules and NDMA's requirements on the system and components. After expiry of deadline for submission of tenders, NDMA will evaluate all offers in accordance with the award criteria. The award criteria’s will be presented in phase 2. The three (3) best tenderers must sign a security agreement with NDMA and will receive an invitation to participate in the negotiations and compete for the award of contract.Identificatorul procedurii: bde6d4c3-2e84-4472-bae2-2adbd6d654d1Identific