Data licitatiei 13.12.2024


Norvegia: Procurement of C-UAS (Counter-Unmanned Aerial System) for the protection of stationary objects, installations and air bases - Part I
Data licitatiei 13.12.2024
Valoare estimata : 750,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8934562 Data publicarii : 05.11.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Procurement of C-UAS (Counter-Unmanned Aerial System) for the protection of stationary objects, installations and air bases - Part I

Coduri CPV:

35000000-4 - Echipament de securitate, de luptă împotriva incendiilor, de poliţie şi de apărare
35700000-1 - Sisteme electronice militare
35710000-4 - Sisteme de comandă, de control, de comunicaţii şi computerizate
35720000-7 - Informaţii, supraveghere, achiziţii de ţinte şi recunoaştere
35722000-1 - Radar
35730000-0 - Sisteme de război electronic şi contramăsuri

Textul licitației

and effectors (kinetic and/or non-kinetic), with the necessary integrations with the Norwegian Armed Forces command and control systems. In addition, a service contract shall be signed for support of the system. The competition is split in two parts, with (1) first phase being a prequalification of the tenderers, with a deadline for applying for participation. Tenderers who have been qualified will be evaluated in accordance with the stated selection criteria and ranked thereafter. Based on the ranking, NDMA will make a down selection where the top 5-10 tenderers will be offered to participate in the (2) second phase of the competition. In the second phase of the competition, tenderers will be sent and invitations to part 2 of the competition, with all necessary information for the procurement, tendering rules and NDMA's requirements on the system and components. After expiry of deadline

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