Data licitatiei 21.11.2024

au mai rămas 30 zile

Norvegia: Plants and plant services for the Directorate of Education ́s premises in Oslo.
Data licitatiei 21.11.2024
au mai rămas 30 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8886171 Data publicarii : 22.10.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Plants and plant services for the Directorate of Education ́s premises in Oslo.

Coduri CPV:

03000000-1 - Produse agricole, de fermă, de pescuit, de silvicultură şi produse conexe
03100000-2 - Produse agricole şi horticole
03110000-5 - Produse agricole, produse horticole şi de grădină pentru comercializare
03121000-5 - Produse horticole
03121100-6 - Plante vii, bulbi, rădăcini, butaşi şi altoaie
03441000-3 - Plante, ierburi, muşchi sau licheni ornamentali
03450000-9 - Produse de pepinieră
03451000-6 - Plante
77000000-0 - Servicii pentru agricultură, silvicultură, horticultură, acvacultură şi apicultură
77300000-3 - Servicii pentru horticultură
77310000-6 - Amenajare şi întreţinere de spaţii verzi

Textul licitației

o function as natural room parts or screening elements. Tenders shall therefore include the hire of plants and professional plant services in the Norwegian Directorate of Education ́s premises in Oslo, Schweigaardsgate 15b The Norwegian Directorate of Education and Training would therefore like tenders for indoor planting in their premises in Oslo.  The premises are under renovation and shall be ready in November/December 2024. Then we want the premises to have indoor planting in place. The Contracting Authority requests tenders for the hire of live plants and maintenance thereof. All plant services are included in the maintenance. See annex 1 - requirement specifications for further details.   The procurement ́s contract value is estimated to approx. NOK 300,000 - NOK 500,000 excluding VAT. VAT on average per annum. Please note that there is uncertainty regarding the contract ́s volume, it can vary up or down from year to year. The estimated estimate is only an estimate and is not binding for the Directorate of Education and Training.   The contract period will be three years with an option for an extension for a further one plus one plus one year (1+1+1). In addition the Directorate of Education and Training would like to enter into an option for an expansion of the assignment to also incl

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