Data licitatiei 10.10.2024

au mai rămas 15 zile

Norvegia: Operational contract 9406 Trøndelag north 2025-2030
Data licitatiei 10.10.2024
au mai rămas 15 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8737019 Data publicarii : 16.09.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Operational contract 9406 Trøndelag north 2025-2030

Coduri CPV:

63712200-5 - Servicii de exploatare a autostrăzilor

Textul licitației

Namsskogan in accordance with the road list given in chapter D2-V1. The work will be settled with a round sum for round sum processes, in accordance with amounts and unit prices for other processes and as maths work in accordance with hourly rates for crews and machines. The contract will be valid from 01.09.2025 to and including 31.08.2030 for all the assignments that have been described. By agreement, the parties can extend the contract for a period of further 12, 24 or 36 months, cf. chapter C3, point 21. The Builder has the option to extend the contract by 12 months, from 1 September in the year the contract was agreed to end (i.e. either at the end of the original contract period, or at the end of the extended contract period in accordance with the previous section), up to and including 31 August the following year. The road network included in the assignment (including metrated arms, ramps, junction parts and side-system parts, but not including annexes or oncoming roadways) consists of: 288.5 km road in total, of which 265.3 km national road (NB: This length is not included on foot/cycle paths). 23.2 km national foot/cycle path Traffic on the national roads has a variation span from approx. ÅDT 1400 to approx. ÅDT 15,000, and an annual traffic growth of approx. 1.5%, is expected. The assignment mainly comprises routine

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