Data licitatiei 23.12.2024

au mai rămas 31 zile

Norvegia: Office furniture and fixtures
Data licitatiei 23.12.2024
au mai rămas 31 zile
Valoare estimata : 15,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9002298 Data publicarii : 22.11.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Office furniture and fixtures

Coduri CPV:

39000000-2 - Mobilă (inclusiv mobilă de birou), accesorii de mobilier, aparate de uz casnic (exclusiv dispozitive de iluminat) şi produse de curăţat
39100000-3 - Mobilier
39121000-6 - Birouri şi mese
39121100-7 - Birouri
39121200-8 - Mese
39130000-2 - Mobilier de birou
39150000-8 - Diverse tipuri de mobilier şi de echipament
39151000-5 - Diverse tipuri de mobilier
39151300-8 - Mobilier modular
39153000-9 - Mobilier pentru săli de conferinţe
39200000-4 - Accesorii de mobilier
39290000-1 - Diverse accesorii de mobilier
50850000-8 - Servicii de reparare şi de întreţinere a mobilierului

Textul licitației

ivery of office furniture and fixtures and that is at the same time environmentally friendly with a focus on re-use and durable materials. Increased use of e-commerce is also expected. Office furniture means furniture and fixtures for office work stations, meeting room furniture, suites, furniture for storage and other types of furniture and fixtures that naturally belong to public entities. The contracting authority is facing a reorganisation that will affect several of the premises. This will include ups and downscaling, relocation and/or new establishment of premises for approx. 225 employees divided between planned projects in Kongsvinger, Polmak, Stjørdal, Kristiansand, Larvik and Svalbard. The projects will include re-use services and new procurements of furniture and fixtures for the projects. As defined by Annex 11 - the Customs Agency's Workplace Concept, a principle of shared office space will be implemented at all of the country's locations. The concept for shared office space focuses on optimal area utilisation, sustainable solutions and an activity based workplace. Orders will be made as needed, both for planned projects, other projects that may arise and individual orders for the Contracting Authority ́s locations. See Annex 12 - the Norwegian Customs's location overview of where the Contracting Authority is loca

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