Data licitatiei 07.02.2025

au mai rămas 30 zile

Norvegia: New notice: Ultrasound apparatus for KK at Akershus University Hospital.
Data licitatiei 07.02.2025
au mai rămas 30 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9132907 Data publicarii : 07.01.2025 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: New notice: Ultrasound apparatus for KK at Akershus University Hospital.

Coduri CPV:

33112200-0 - Ecograf

Textul licitației

cedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The women ́s clinic at Akershus University Hospital shall procure 3 ultrasound apparatuses: 2 apparatuses for the gynaecological outpatients clinic and 1 for the maternity outpatients clinic. The procurement will be carried out for expanded operation in connection with the government's "Waiting Time Promise" (2 apparatuses) and as part of a fleet replacement of old and outdated ultrasound machines at the hospital (1 apparatus) A:1 machine shall be procured. high-end UL for diagnostics and second-opinion in gynecology1 stk. mid-range UL for diagnostics in gynaecology1 stk. mid-range UL to the maternity outpatients clinic for following up risk burial. The contracting authority shall have an option to expand the agreement with the following products/services: To Akershus University Hospital HF: High-end ultrasound apparatus for gynaecology: 2 x Mid-range ultrasound apparatus for gynaecology: 2 x-range ultrasound apparatuses for obstetrics: 2 for the hospitals in Helse Sør -East: High-end ultrasound apparatus for gynaecology: 3 x Mid-range ultrasound apparatus for gynaecology: 3 x Mid-range ultrasound apparatus for obstetrics: 3 pcs Part 2 Annex 2 - Requirement Specification and Part 2 Annex 1 - Price form for

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