Norvegia: (NEW) Architect and consulting engineer services for the health companies in Helse Nord, Helse Midt-Norge and Helse Sør-Øst.
Data licitatiei 19.08.2024
Valoare estimata : 742,449,199
Tip anunt:
ID: 8452209
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: (NEW) Architect and consulting engineer services for the health companies in Helse Nord, Helse Midt-Norge and Helse Sør-Øst.
Coduri CPV:
71000000-8 - Servicii de arhitectură, de construcţii, de inginerie şi de inspecţie
71200000-0 - Servicii de arhitectură şi servicii conexe
71240000-2 - Servicii de arhitectură, de inginerie şi de planificare
71300000-1 - Servicii de inginerie
71310000-4 - Servicii de consultanţă în domeniul ingineriei şi al construcţiilor
71320000-7 - Servicii de concepţie tehnică
71330000-0 - Diverse servicii de inginerie
71350000-6 - Servicii ştiinţifice şi tehnice în inginerie
71400000-2 - Servicii de urbanism şi de arhitectură peisagistică
71420000-8 - Servicii de arhitectură peisagistică
71500000-3 - Servicii privind construcţiile
71600000-4 - Servicii de testare, analiză şi consultanţă tehnică
71700000-5 - Servicii de monitorizare şi de control
Textul licitației
g services. The aim of the procurement is to ensure that the named regional health authorities get access to consultants with the right competence, at the right price and when the needs are present. The framework agreements shall cover a periodical capacity deficit and to some degree lack of competence in the companies. The procurement is divided into 13 lots and 135 sub-contracts, with relevant tenderers submitting tenders for one, several or all sub-contracts. See the competition terms for further information. The procurement is divided into the following lots: A: Architect and consulting engineer servicesA1: Consultant engineer for construction (RIB and RIByFy)A2: Consultant engineer for ventilation, heating and sanitary installations (RIV)A3: Consultant engineer electro (RIE)A4: Consultant engineer for fire (RIBr)A5: Architect services (ARK and IARK)A6: Landscape architect (LARK)A7: Consultant engineer acoustics (RIAKU)A8: Consultant engineer geotechnics (RIG)A9: Environmental mapping (RIM)A10: Integrated Technical Construction Installations (ITB)B: Project administrative servicesB1: Project management (PL)B2: Construction management (BL)B3: SHA consultant (SHA).Identificatorul procedurii: c304179b-7f79-4e3c-a78e-6875457650b4Anunț anterior: 647206-2024Identificator intern: 2023/00477