Norvegia: Laboratory services
Data licitatiei 31.10.2024
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 8795189
Data publicarii :
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Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Laboratory services
Coduri CPV:
71600000-4 - Servicii de testare, analiză şi consultanţă tehnică
71610000-7 - Servicii de testare şi de analiză a compoziţiei şi a purităţii
71620000-0 - Servicii de analiză
71630000-3 - Servicii de inspecţie şi testare tehnică
71900000-7 - Servicii de laborator
90730000-3 - nregistrare, monitorizare a poluării şi reabilitare
Textul licitației
me for delivery and collection of sample bottles. Analysis of different parameters Guidance and professional support (related to analytical results and methodology) Assistance with the preparation of individual sample taking programmes for each municipality as needed. Necessary sample packaging including transport packaging. Analyses included in routine inspections of the drinking water system (raw water, clean water and net water), sewage treatment (in and out of treatment facilities), sludge samples, lodging water from waste places, watercourse and recipient monitoring, bath water, pool and swimming pools. Analysis preparedness for reception and analysis outside work hours, i.e. for stand-by samples. Analytical results shall be continually transferred to the contracting authority ́s internet based system (for example Gurusoft and Mapgraph). The completed import template for use in public databases that exists today, or that may come in the future (e.g. the Norwegian Environment Agency ́s trade system for registering and analysing the condition of water) shall also be included. The import file must be produced continuously and submitted at the same time that the analysis report is sent to the contracting authority. All relevant information that is in the analysis report shall be transferable to the databases. The municipaliti