Norvegia: INSTUKOM - A study of communication with minority language speakers in institutions.
Data licitatiei 23.04.2025
au mai rămas 42 zile


Valoare estimata : 2,400,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 9351328
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: INSTUKOM - A study of communication with minority language speakers in institutions.
Coduri CPV:
73000000-2 - Servicii de cercetare şi de dezvoltare şi servicii conexe de consultanţă
Textul licitației
ration with other residents and employees. The knowledge shall provide good services with the right means of communication – by highlighting the current practice and raising solutions that are useful and good resources for both employees, residents and relatives/visitors. The project ́s results can contribute to better practice, understanding, communication and any change of routines.Identificatorul procedurii: c0029ab2-5483-443a-ae11-c7b05722c46fIdentificator intern: 25/03077Tip de procedură: Deschisă2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: ServiciiClasificarea principală (cpv): 73000000 Servicii de cercetare şi de dezvoltare şi servicii conexe de consultanţă2.1.2. Locul de executareOriunde2.1.3. ValoareValoarea estimată fără TVA: 2