Norvegia: Institutional kitchen - Machines, equipment, fixtures and the accompanying service and maintenance.
Data licitatiei 07.01.2025


Valoare estimata : 8,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 9021953
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Institutional kitchen - Machines, equipment, fixtures and the accompanying service and maintenance.
Coduri CPV:
39151200-7 - Bancuri de lucru
39220000-0 - Echipament de bucătărie, articole de menaj şi de uz casnic şi articole de catering
39221000-7 - Echipament de bucătărie
39310000-8 - Echipament de restaurare
39312100-3 - Dispozitive de tăiat carnea
39312200-4 - Echipament de cantină
39314000-6 - Echipament de bucătărie industrială
39711100-0 - Frigidere şi congelatoare
39711211-1 - Mixere pentru alimente
42943400-2 - Circulatoare cu răcire şi circulatoare cu răcire/încălzire
42959000-3 - Maşini de spălat vasele, altele decât cele de uz casnic
42971000-3 - Piese pentru maşini de spălat vasele
50000000-5 - Servicii de reparare şi întreţinere
Textul licitației
, equipment and fixtures, as well as the accompanying service and maintenance services for municipal institutional kitchens, institutional kitchens at nursing homes, canteens, school kitchens etc. The product groups in the Agreement are: Keel/Freezer Combi steamer Grannuladis Dishwashers, Stirring machines, Boiler Cups, Respite loading and trolley tables Kitchen furniture, Training product groups, Equipment/materials/wearing parts in connection with service and maintenance.Identificatorul procedurii: 14798320-8cb6-4014-9d18-60318796bba6Identificator intern: 2024/18404Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The objective of the procurement is to ensure an optimal and long-term solution that covers the user locations ́needs for functional and energy efficient inst