Norvegia: Home based services - The Child Protection Service for the Kristiansand region (main tender)
Data licitatiei 20.12.2024
au mai rămas 25 zile
Valoare estimata : 11,070,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 9008241
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Home based services - The Child Protection Service for the Kristiansand region (main tender)
Coduri CPV:
85000000-9 - Servicii de sănătate şi servicii de asistenţă socială
85300000-2 - Servicii de asistenţă socială şi servicii conexe
85312300-2 - Servicii de orientare şi de consultanţă profesională
85312400-3 - Servicii sociale neprestate de instituţii rezidenţiale
85320000-8 - Servicii sociale
Textul licitației
;The contracting authority needs to enter into parallel framework agreements with up to 5 tenderers per sub-contract in order to offer home based services for individual families, children or youths. The procurement shall cover the contracting authority ́s need for the cases where the municipalities themselves do not have the capacity. Call-offs will be made on the basis of fixed terms without a new competition being held. The distribution of contracts between the tenderers shall be made according to the following mechanism: The person who has won the competition will have the 1st priority to deliver. If the winner is unable to deliver, the assignment will go to no. 2 in the competition etc. Sub-contract 1 - The following welfare centres - hourly basis Parents ́ guidance to parents/guardians (different methods)Environmental work/Environment therapeutic workDelkontrakt 2 - The following welfare centre measures - 24 hourly basis Flats with parent guidance and follow-up Contract 3 - The following compensatory measures - hourly basis Assistance for children, youth and or family with practical help Environment work/leisure contact Assistance for the execution of visitation with or without supervision Sector contract 4 - The following compensating measures - 24 hour visit homesFor further information on the sub-contracts,