Norvegia: Green areas and manual shovelling, framework agreement.
Data licitatiei 18.03.2025
au mai rămas 5 zile


Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 9238605
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Green areas and manual shovelling, framework agreement.
Coduri CPV:
77300000-3 - Servicii pentru horticultură
77340000-5 - Elagaj de arbori şi tunderea gardurilor vii
77342000-9 - Tunderea gardurilor vii
90000000-7 - Servicii de evacuare a apelor reziduale, de eliminare a deşeurilor, de igienizare şi servicii privind mediul
90610000-6 - Servicii de curăţare şi măturare a străzilor
90620000-9 - Servicii de deszăpezire
90630000-2 - Servicii de înlăturare a gheţii
Textul licitației
000 excluding VAT per annum. The maximum value for the entire contract period, including any options and expected price rise: NOK 4,700,000 excluding VAT. The need is uncertain. The volume can vary both up and down and the contract period will depend on, among other things, the contracting authority ́s needs, activities, budgetary situations and other framework factors. Hand shovelling: Sub-contract 2 Purpose-built buildings: The procurement ́s value is estimated to: NOK 500,000 excluding VAT per annum. Maximum value for the entire contract period, including any options and expected price rise: NOK 3,250,000 excluding VAT. The need is uncertain. The volume can vary both up and down and the contract period will depend on, among other things, the contracting authority ́s needs, activities, budgetary situations and other framework factors. Sub-contract 3 Boligbygg: The procurement