Data licitatiei 18.12.2024

au mai rămas 33 zile

Norvegia: Government joint contract for the procurement of internet, data lines and accompanying services.
Data licitatiei 18.12.2024
au mai rămas 33 zile
Valoare estimata : 900,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8975028 Data publicarii : 15.11.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Government joint contract for the procurement of internet, data lines and accompanying services.

Coduri CPV:

32000000-3 - Echipament de radio, televiziune, comunicaţii, telecomunicaţii şi articole conexe
32400000-7 - Reţele
32430000-6 - Reţea cu extindere geografică mare
64000000-6 - Servicii poştale şi de telecomunicaţii
64200000-8 - Servicii de telecomunicaţii
64210000-1 - Servicii de telefonie şi de transmisie de date
72000000-5 - Servicii IT: consultanţă, dezvoltare de software, internet şi asistenţă
72400000-4 - Servicii de internet
72700000-7 - Servicii de reţele informatice
72720000-3 - Servicii de reţele la mare distanţă

Textul licitației

nt for internet, data lines and accompanying services. The procurement includes internet access, network access and data lines as a mandatory part of the delivery. The procurement includes non-exclusive options for SD-WAN, security services, consultancy services and other additional services. The annual contract value is estimated to be between NOK 70 million and NOK 100 million excluding VAT, including options when all call-offs under the Joint Agreement have been implemented. Attention is agreed that the estimate is not binding for the contract owner and contracting authorities. The total maximum value for the contract for 6 years is NOK 900 million excluding VAT. The joint agreement is divided into five (5) sub-contracts, tenders can be submitted for one or several of the sub-contracts. One sub-contract will be seen as one contract area. The sub-contracts will be entered into independently of each other.Identificatorul procedurii: 8c5e049a-1d3f-44ae-8bde-7aeda87f3637Anunț anterior: 653227-2023Anunț anterior: 107081-2024Anunț anterior: 101993-2024Identificator intern: 23/590Tip de procedură: RestrânsăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The procurement will be made in accordance with the Public Pr

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