Norvegia: Framework agreements for installation services and material for cable installations and adjoining interface in The Norwegian Armed Forces' ICT infrastructure NY.
Data licitatiei 31.01.2025
au mai rămas 40 zile
Valoare estimata : 287,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 9108439
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Framework agreements for installation services and material for cable installations and adjoining interface in The Norwegian Armed Forces' ICT infrastructure NY.
Coduri CPV:
32412000-4 - Reţea de comunicaţii
32424000-1 - Infrastructură de reţea
32562000-0 - Cabluri cu fibre optice
44320000-9 - Cabluri şi produse conexe
45112100-6 - Lucrări de săpare de şanţuri
45314300-4 - Instalare de infrastructuri de cabluri
51000000-9 - Servicii de instalare (cu excepţia programelor software)
51300000-5 - Servicii de instalare de echipament de comunicaţii
Textul licitației
o lines and fibre optic and metallic cables. The aim of the procurement is to cover the contracting authority ́s need for installation services for new establishments, expansions, changes and repairs of cable installations and associated interface in the Norwegian Armed Forces' ICT infrastructure nationwide. The procurement is divided into five geographical areas, each of which represents a separate contract area.Identificatorul procedurii: 0b0defa3-a82c-4e4e-8a4d-ebbd5967b335Identificator intern: 202438582Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The Norwegian Armed Forces have a nationwide ICT infrastructure consisting of i.a. radio lines and fibre optic and metallic cables. The aim of the procurement is to cover the contracting authority ́s need for installation services for new establishments, expansions, changes and repairs of cable installations and associated interface in the Norwegian Armed Forces' ICT infrastructure nationwide. The procurement is divided into five geographical areas, each of which represents a separate contract area:1. Troms and Finnmark2. Nordland 3. Mid-Four. South-West 5. South Eastern Tenderers can submit tenders for one or several of the sub areas. Each sub area will be eva