Norvegia: Framework agreement on consultancy services for municipal engineering areas.
Data licitatiei 11.12.2024
au mai rămas 17 zile
Valoare estimata : 12,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 8940939
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Framework agreement on consultancy services for municipal engineering areas.
Coduri CPV:
71310000-4 - Servicii de consultanţă în domeniul ingineriei şi al construcţiilor
71311000-1 - Servicii de consultanţă în domeniul lucrărilor publice
71313000-5 - Servicii de consultanţă în ingineria mediului
71313400-9 - Evaluare a impactului asupra mediului pentru construcţii
71315000-9 - Instalaţii tehnice de construcţii
71322200-3 - Servicii de proiectare a conductelor
71800000-6 - Servicii de consultanţă pentru alimentarea cu apă şi servicii de consultanţă în materie de deşeuri
Textul licitației
bsp;546390e2-84c7-4ed5-a80b-c3c9d623275fIdentificator intern: Sentralarkiv-24/00009Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The contracting authority will enter into parallel agreements with up to 3 tenderers, if a sufficient number of qualified tenderers submit a tender. The competition is for a framework agreement for consultancy services within municipal engineering areas. The services include a wide range of assignments where the extent and time period can vary considerably. The contracting authority expects a framework agreement that contributes to good quality, efficiency and interaction in the contract period. The procurement ́s total framework, including any options, is estimated to NOK 12 million excluding VAT. NB: The stated limit is an estimate and is not binding for the contracting authority, but shall be seen as a guideline and should suggest the scope of the tender. The framework agreement will be binding to use for the municipal entities with a need for consultancy within municipal engineering areas as described in this contract. Changes to the budget and routines can effect the total volumes. The contract is subject to organisational changes or other conditions that can affect the contract.2.1